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The Fretboard Hustle Music Intelligence Media Ecosystem

How nice would it be to measurably improve your ability to use music as a means of self expression? How much are you yearning to be able to translate the melodies you hear in your head out into the real world? How many times have you seen a talented musician perform and thought to yourself, ‘I’ll NEVER be able to play as fluently as that‘?

It’s all within your reach, as long as you HUSTLE for it!

My name is Bryan Scheinkopf. I’m a touring, recording multi-instrumentalist and working musician with over 15 years worth of music education experience from both sides of the student/teacher relationship. I’ve developed a strong understanding of the fretboard and many musical styles. If there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s this…

Anyone can become a well rounded, knowledgable guitarist with the right guidance and a bit of determination. I have ZERO doubt that the secret to developing these skills and to unlocking a greater understanding of the fretboard is within your wheelhouse.

Photo by Nick Langlois
Photo by Nick Langlois Photography

Fretboard Hustle intends to provide a community where we can all work together toward becoming major league musicians. Centered around a drive to share engaging educational information and immersive material, our goal is to create content for developing musicians on a regular and evolving basis.

We’re beginning this process of improving our music intelligence muscles by introducing two new YouTube series.

Expanding Your Guitar Vocabulary‘ will focus on learning chords, licks, tricks, scales, exercises and styles to widen your musical Palette.

Go for the Gear‘  will be a series chock full of information on the infinite ways to approach choosing the right equipment to invest in for the music you want to be making.

Full beginner, intermediate and advanced guitar courses and more planned serieses are to come as well!

For now, we’re focusing on the guitar, but we’ll be using it in a way that aims to build us into well rounded, smart musicians. Eventually we’ll focus on more instruments as well, and bring on instructors who are specialists in different styles and approaches.

In the same way that athletes train their bodies & minds for their individual and team performances, musicians actively develop muscle memory and mental resiliency using a health-focused approach to hustle their way to success, accomplishments and improved results.

Lets get to to work on leveling up our collective musical intelligence!

Hop right in and get to hustling!

- Bryan

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